miércoles, abril 10, 2013

WikiLeaks: AMLO 02

1.- Los informes de la embajada —como un estilo analítico—, recurren a intelectuales o escritores para expandir sus interpretaciones sobre la realidad política de México. En el cable 06MEXICO4654_a, la historiadora Alejandra Lajous habla sobre la personalidad de AMLO:

"Lajous said that AMLO's personal charisma should not be underestimated as a factor in maintaining his movement, and she expected his hard-core supporters to stay with him until the bitter end. To illustrate his charisma, she said the director of a television news program told her that whenever he sent a journalist to cover AMLO for an extended period during the campaign, that journalist ended up becoming a "believer," no matter how cynical his initial views about AMLO."

2.- Las primeras protestas y la embajada se pregunta, ¿La marcha de un millón de hombres?:

"On Sunday, July 16, AMLO led a mass march of supporters down Paseo la Reforma, Mexico City's leading thoroughfare, terminating in a vast rally in the city's Zocalo, or central square. The PRD-led Mexico City Department of Public Security estimated the crowd at 1.1 million, although other estimates of the crowd ranged from 300,000 (MSNBC) to 700,000 (Notimex) to 1.5 million (the President of the PRD). Although the actual turnout is likely to remain in dispute, by all accounts the turnout was considerably heavier than at last week's event (ref A), which was estimated at between 150,000-280,000."
3.- Después de que los magistrados electorales al servicio del poder oligárquico nombraron "presidente" a Felipe Calderón en una salita judicial, a contrapelo del mandato de las urnas, la embajada escribió sobre el veredicto en el cable 06MEXICO5005_a:

"In a unanimous decision, the seven magistrates acknowledged various irregularities in the election process, most notably the improper intervention of President Fox in the campaign, but said these irregularities taken together provided insufficient grounds to invalidate the election. Tallying up the final vote total, the TEPJF found that Calderon won by a margin of 233,831 votes (0.56%) of the 41.6 million cast. While the magistrates announced their decision, several hundred angry AMLO supporters noisily protested outside, preventing attendees from leaving for a short time following the hearing's conclusion."

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Como decía Henry David Thoreau, "No pido inmediatamente que no haya gobierno, sino inmediatamente un gobierno mejor". El orígen de Medios y política fue el fraude electoral del 2006: nació La República de la Televisión y la programa(ción) se volvió dicta(dura): un monopolio opinativo de Tercer Grado. Aquí en 'Medios y política' están las evidencias comunicacionales que sostienen nuestra tésis: Felipe Calderón no ganó las elecciones; la oligarquía lo impuso mediante un fraude para auto(comprarse) lo que queda de México. Y lo repitieron imponiendo a Enrique Peña Nieto en el 2012. Por eso pedimos lo posible: que se restaure La República.

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Huracán: La política secreta neoliberal

Huracán: "Ayotzinapa. El motivo"

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