miércoles, abril 10, 2013

WikiLeaks: AMLO 01

¿Y qué reportes mandaba la embajada Green-Ga-ga sobre las elecciones del 2006 y AMLO? Aquí algunos cables del PlusD:

1.- Según el cable 06MEXICO1124_a, en el programa "Diálogos por México" que organizó Televisa, coordinado por los intelectuales orgánicos Luis Rubio, Luis de la Calle y Federico Reyes Heroles, en AMLO los gringos advirtieron un radicalismo, cambiaría el modelo económico neoliberal por otro:

"The analysts agreed that despite the written documents sent by the three candidates and the interviews held, the three candidates proposals are still very general and lacking in detail. Felipe Calderon has been the most explicit and coherent, while AMLO has been the most radical, stating that the current economic model should be modified."

2.- En el cable 06MEXICO2702_a, los estadounidenses se muestran duros con las palabras duras de AMLO sobre Vicente Fox y lo comparan con ¡Hugo Chávez!: 

"AMLO's biggest obstacle is often his own mouth. After weeks of keeping his promise to not mention Fox in any of his speeches in order to avoid further verbal confrontations, AMLO could not resist calling Fox a puppet of the U.S. and a man of straw for his allegedly weak reaction to U.S. plans to send the National Guard to the border. This had echoes of Chavez calling Fox a puppy of the U.S., and it is only a matter of time before the Calderon campaign tries to capitalize on the gaffe."

3.- En el cable confidencial 06MEXICO3907_a, del 13 de Julio de 2006, se lee a otro intelectual orgánico, José Woldenberg, sobre el (no) fraude y lo que sería la estrategia discursiva de todo ese frente de pensadores al servicio del poder, "la elección fue limpia y cerrada", por lo tanto, las protestas postelectorales, son un berrinche de AMLO:

"On July 13 we met with former IFE head Jose Woldenberg, who opined that the election appeared to have been conducted with complete transparency. He doubted AMLO's allegations of widespread fraud, insisting that the dispute simply reflected the understandable frustration felt by the second place candidate in a very narrow race."

4.- Y en el cable 06MEXICO6867_a, se pueden leer los cantos de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas contra las protestas que encabezaba AMLO y su advertencia sobre la pronta disposición del PRD para negociar con el régimen impuesto:

"Cardenas told poloffs that AMLO's protest tactics, specifically the two month long encampment in the Zocalo and on Mexico City's principal boulevard, as well as PRD legislators' successful effort to block former President Fox's State of the Nation speech on September 1 (ref A) and their unsuccessful attempt to block Calderon's December 1 swearing-in ceremony, have hurt the party's image. He feared that public dissatisfaction with the PRD would be reflected in next year's municipal and state legislative elections, as well as in the gubernatorial races in Yucatan and Baja California. Although inter-party tensions remain high, Cardenas is optimistic that the dust will settle "in a few weeks" and expects the PRD will start acting less like a protest movement and more like a normal opposition party."

Y sobre Calderón el michoacano dijo:

"Cardenas offered Calderon the benefit of the doubt, expressing personal respect for the president and a cautiously optimistic prognosis for his administration. He said he had met Calderon on a few occasions, but does not know him very well. Overall, Cardenas' thinks the new president has both good intentions and the political skills to push reforms further than Fox did."

5.- Y en el cable 06MEXICO4958_a, se vuelve a mencionar el 'otro' papel que fungió invisible Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas en el conflicto postelectoral del 2006:

"On an unrelated issue, Soria told poloff that PRD founder, presidential candidate, and "moral leader" Cuauhtemoc Cardenas is no longer in line with PRD thinking, describing him as "the face of historical fraud" for his unwillingness to maintain a long-term protest movement in the face of the apparently fraudulent 1988 presidential election. She described him as "collaborating" with those international contacts that supported Felipe Calderon during MEXICO 00004958 003 OF 003 the election." 

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Como decía Henry David Thoreau, "No pido inmediatamente que no haya gobierno, sino inmediatamente un gobierno mejor". El orígen de Medios y política fue el fraude electoral del 2006: nació La República de la Televisión y la programa(ción) se volvió dicta(dura): un monopolio opinativo de Tercer Grado. Aquí en 'Medios y política' están las evidencias comunicacionales que sostienen nuestra tésis: Felipe Calderón no ganó las elecciones; la oligarquía lo impuso mediante un fraude para auto(comprarse) lo que queda de México. Y lo repitieron imponiendo a Enrique Peña Nieto en el 2012. Por eso pedimos lo posible: que se restaure La República.

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Huracán: La política secreta neoliberal

Huracán: "Ayotzinapa. El motivo"

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