lunes, octubre 15, 2012

Respuesta de Julian Assange a Anonymous:

"Because Anonymous is anonymous, those who obtain this or other forms of leadership influence can be secretly decapitated and replaced by other interests.

This is exactly what happened in the Sabu affair. An
important part of Anonymous ended up being controlled by the FBI. The cooption of its most visible figure, Sabu, was then used to entrap others.

FBI agents or informers have subsequently run entrapment
operations against WikiLeaks presenting as figures from

According to FBI indictments the FBI has at various times
controlled Anonymous servers. We must assume that currently
a substantial number of Anonymous severs and "leadership"
figures are compromised. This doesn't mean Anonymous
should be paralyzed by paranoia. But it must recognize the
reality of infiltration. The promotion of ""
and similar assets which are indistinguishable from an
entrapment operations must not be tolerated.

The strength of Anonymous was not having leadership or
other targetable assets. When each person has little
influence over the whole, and no assets have special
significance, compromise operations are expensive
and ineffective. The cryptography used in Friends of
WikiLeaks is based on this principle while WikiLeaks as
an organization has a well tested public leadership cohort
inorder to prevent covert leadership replacement."

Link al comunicado.

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Como decía Henry David Thoreau, "No pido inmediatamente que no haya gobierno, sino inmediatamente un gobierno mejor". El orígen de Medios y política fue el fraude electoral del 2006: nació La República de la Televisión y la programa(ción) se volvió dicta(dura): un monopolio opinativo de Tercer Grado. Aquí en 'Medios y política' están las evidencias comunicacionales que sostienen nuestra tésis: Felipe Calderón no ganó las elecciones; la oligarquía lo impuso mediante un fraude para auto(comprarse) lo que queda de México. Y lo repitieron imponiendo a Enrique Peña Nieto en el 2012. Por eso pedimos lo posible: que se restaure La República.

Vistas a la página totales

Huracán: La política secreta neoliberal

Huracán: "Ayotzinapa. El motivo"

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